
A new modernized and simplified experience.

We preserved the logo to maintain the brand’s spirit. Still, We modernized and simplified the overall shopping experience by redesigning a brand new user-interface to create a greater sense of variety and editorial look&feel.

We outlined new ways to explore the catalog through a personalized experience within each category.

We introduced loads of innovative features to encourage daily user interaction and eliminated all pain points across the shopping experience.

Simplicity is the new sophistication.

A rich interface is not synonymous with complication. Our goal was to enhance user satisfaction by improving usability, accessibility, and pleasure on an interactive platform. Users usually like to anticipate what an experience will be like, based on past experiences; they arrive with expectations that are formed by using other websites and similar products.
That is why we kept it simple!

Collaborative social community!

User and community participation is the driving force behind a successful brand. Our goal was to create a successful social media outlet to allow users to participate with different interaction levels. Superstars and Stars empower the users to create meaningful content within the brand catalog.